After detection of quantum properties of a microcosmos and its wave-corpuscle properties there was a problem: whence has put in appearance quantized data? Concerning wave-corpuscle properties anything sensible in a head of the theorists has not come, therefore for best have accepted to pay attention to wave or corpuscular properties depending on circumstances and momentary profit. Concerning quantized data the answer arose itself: the microparticles in any system should formed a standing wave. In it alternation of antinodes and nodes - just that quantized data, which one is necessary. On this basis the Schroedinger has think up a differential equation (called by his name) in which one a square of some mystical function describes a probability density of finding of a particle in that or diverse place of space. In a Schrodinger equation there is no motion, differently standing wave can not arise, it describes a certain stationary state. The solution of this equation is possible only for some particular cases. As a result of composite mathematical manipulations not having of physical sense sometimes receive outcomes coincident to experiment (to it demonstrate a regularity of a Schrodinger equation), sometimes do not coincide and the removal of difficulties is required, but about them prefer to dissemble and profess an absolute validity of an equation as anything another is not present.

The culinary prescription of cooking of a Schrodinger equations is those:

We put in a saucepan an equation of propagation of a simple harmonic motion.

We add kinetic energy of a particle.

We add a de Broglie formula.

We add potential energy of a particle.

When contents will begin to boil, we shall consider, that the corpuscular and wave properties of a matter have got mixed up also enough and contents it is possible to pour in heads to the credulous readers.

In a Schrodinger equation enter completely objectionable components, for example, if kinetic energy of a particle:

Ek = mV2/2 (1) to express through a impulse of a particle P, it is necessary to record:

Ek = PV/2 (2). In Schrodinger equation expression (2) after multiplying multipair numerator and denominator on m record as:

Ek = P2/2m (3). Thus distort physical sense of kinetic energy on opposite. As for a free particle P = const, Ek on (3) becomes inversely proportional to a particle mass, instead of is directly proportional, as the common sense requires. For what it is made? To not be fiddle around with a taking the root from the sum of squares of projections of a impulse:

P = (Px2 + Py2 + Pz2)1/2 (4). The necessity for physical explanation of two values of the radical passes. If to use (2), the speed of a particle is a principled handicap, since in a standing wave particle is immobile.

The unchastity of a Schrodinger equation is specially visible at the analysis of its fundamentals - quantized data, bound with formation of a standing wave in which one lay an integer of half-waves. Naturally, that for a progressive-wave about quantized data there can not be a speech.

The standing waves are a particular case of an interference as a result of superposition of two waves propagating in opposite directions with identical frequency, polarization (for shear waves) and identical amplitude in applicable coordinate. In a standing wave there is absentee a carry of energy, since a straight and backward wave transfer energy in equal quantities. At violation of any of listed conditions the formation of a standing wave is impossible.

In this connection there are padding problems.

1. What mechanism of an interference of a particle with itself?

2. How one particle is partitioned on some parts, its each part is in antinodes of a standing wave and misses in nodes?

The applying of a Schrodinger equation for potential wells or barriers with straight walls is done designedly, as the real pits and barriers have not straight lines of walls, therefore reflected wave can not be diffused in a direction of an incident wave, i.e. the formation of a standing wave is impossible. Surprising irresponsibility have exhibited the fathers of a quantum mechanics, by constructing the whole science and having not disassembled in essence of wave-corpuscle dualism. At explanation of tunnel effect suppose, that a part of a wave function (read - particle) can appear inside a potential barrier, and part to leave out. Where thus will particle the normal man understand can not, but it is not enough it still. At tunnel effect coefficient of reflection from a barrier less of unit, therefore backward wave will have other amplitude and the standing wave will vanish, and together with it and quantized data. The mathematical apparatus of a wave quantum mechanics extreme is intricate, when the deceased the professor Kojeurov read us the lectures of quantum-mechanical calculation of atom of Hydrogenium, we all supplicate of the god, that this problem was not got at examination.

Thus, it is necessary to recognize one of the greatest physical theories XX centuries error. New physics instead of a wave quantum mechanics tenders a corpuscular quantum mechanics. The mathematical apparatus its elementary, and the outcomes more correspond to experimental data, that will be shown in the following chapter, where it is possible to compare outcomes of a wave and corpuscular quantum mechanics.








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