This book - popular presentation of new physics, elaborates which one the author, while, in loneliness, but hang on the uncountable experimental and observation data obtained by transactionses of the scientists - application engineer. The scientists - theorists consider as not regal business to rake a heap of theoretical agglomerates (ourselves already created), and everyone drags in this heap their representations. To the normal man true, and where solid delirium already is impossible to understand and to be disassembled, where. Of it the orthodoxes even are proud, that to the simple man is not given to understand (crazy) ideas of a modern physics. In a modern physics the common sense has vanished, and there were only naked mathematical constructions, which one without clear physical sense nothing can explain. It is understandable, that from mad idea professed in past century, up to delusional idea only one step and it is already made.

In the basis of new physics the alone hypothesis lays: similarly, how at motion of electric charges there is a magnetic field, at motion of gravitational charges (any mass) arises a gravidynamic field. The feature it that tension of this field very much is sharply augmented with increase of a running speed of a gravitational charge. At customary speeds the gravidynamic field practically itself does not exhibit is considerably more gentle than the gravitational field of gravitation, but at speeds close to speed of light the gravidynamic interplay becomes most by strong in the nature, its orthodoxes call as strong or nuclear interaction.

Thus, new physics has business with four kinds of fields and interplays: gravitational, gravidynamic, electrostatic and magnetic.

At presentation of a material, I endeavour, as far as possible, to avoid the use of the formulas as they are the particular language of science and for the ordinary man cause hostility, alike as it is unpleasant to hear any specialist expressing only with the technical terms, or even of the man, which one applies ordinary words only to flow bundle of obscene expressions. For the reader, for which one the mathematical calculations do not cause an allergy, they are adduced in in-depth and understandable presentation with applying of mathematics in a volume of school. The mathematical calculations are completely indispensable for explanation of some problems to be not unfounded. These calculations can be skipped, but then the conclusions from them should be accepted for a faith.

The material is set up so that the reader on a course of business could permanently compare that alternate physics tenders that the orthodox science has reached. Thus the author designedly stresss the contradictions in last, specially inconsistencies with so-called “common sense”. The common sense by official science is almost purely skipped and even the thesis is preached: the the theory is more paradoxical, the it is closer to true. The modern physics disclaims to the logic of the Aristotle, i.e. human logic substituting its logic of abstract mathematical constructions the physical sense which one is not clear to writers. It allows the reader himself to experience, that boundary of nonsense in modern science does not exist. The transcendence in the modern society is tracked not only in physics, step-by-step loses common sense, but also in art (in music the tune, and in painting - realistic portrayal fades).

The history of science knows uncountable examples, how the new scientific ideas were declared mock-science, and their writers sciolists. Let's recollect Copernicus, Galilei, genetics, cybernetics, we shall recollect, how laugh over Marconi, which one has wishes to transmit rectilinearly distributed radio waves through the Atlantic ocean. It is possible to recollect set of similar cases, when the critics of new ideas at the end remained in the fools. Many from them grow wiser also abstain from categorical opinions. However fans to pour by mud over new ideas will be never go down the drain. Such I term sciolists. The genuine scientist before to be stated on this or that new idea, is close it will learn, will set to the writer numerous problems to permit own doubts and to be certified in the competence of the writer. Anyone regalia do not add mind to their owner, it only recognition of his past merits. Therefore he cannot be recognized owning as true in the last resort. Even itself the God does not own true. If he owned it, would not be excruciated six days with creation of a solar System to rest for the seventh day. For today we have learnt such scales of the Universe, that if the Creator created each star with the planets not six days and only one second, creations of a visible Galaxy of galaxies need more than thousand billions of years. As is known - only in dispute the true is born, and to argue we do not know how. Or we press the opponent by the authority, or we deny his opinion having not acquainted at all with it as follows, or is free or involuntarily we distort thoughts of the opponent in outcome misunderstanding or inattentive reading. Apparently, that in scientific controversies each of the contending parties should proceed not from own positions, and from positions of the opponents and in these positions to search for inconsistencies with the objective laws of the nature, in the logic and common sense, i.e. to search internal inconsistencies in the theory of the opponent. It is understandable, that if each of the contending parties will criticize the opponent that his views contradictory by yours, such controversy is nonconstructive and resembles dispute two deaf. Outcome of similar culture of controversies can be only mutual recriminations in nonsenses verifying nonsense of participants of dispute. Let's presume, that I now had with makers of the Bible to consider a problem of a world-wide flood. I have resulted the following evidences in impossibility it. 1. The water has covered all Earth, but whence it has come in sight? If has appeared by a wonderful image, it contradicts an energy conservation law. 2. At any intensity of a continuously poured rain, the water deluges have time slither in the seas and oceans so, that the upbuilding of a layer of water on ground by thickness up to tops of high mountains is impossible. The makers of the Bible mention in this connection mountain Ararat, they apparently did not know about existence of greatest mining systems Pamir, Tien Shan and the Himalayas. 3. The thunderstorm clouds place of much below mining tops, therefore at a world-wide flood they will appear inside a layer of water and that this layer was augmented, it is necessary «to a rain to drop upward». 4. To arrange powerful thunderstorm clouds approximately uniformly on the Earth, the storm winds of such force are necessary, that the sailing of Noah will become impossible. If such winds will not be, the drench is impossible a long time. On the basis even of three these arguments it is possible to draw a conclusion that the makers of the Bible did not own indispensable knowledge for the correct description.

Apparently, that criterion mock-science are the numerous inconsistencies and paradoxes it results in which one. And these inconsistencies and paradoxes are visible not from the point of view of indirect knowledge, and from the point of view of the internal logic mock-science. In the book, tendered to the reader, the numerous inconsistencies and paradoxes of modern fundamental physics are adduced, which one the writer considers by mock-science. This mock-science for a long time was turn intoed religion, therefore its followers do not experience slightest desire to find any inconsistencies in the system, that foredooms it on progressive nonsense (for example, in the field of fundamental particles, fields, interplays etc.).




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