Let's consider motion of a free body. Official physics considers, that this motion obeys to the first Newton's law and, while, nobody doubts of it, except for me. The doctor M.L. Klebanov has stated valid thought, which one can be formulated so: any free body is not free from own mass. Let's presume, that some body (microparticle or macrobody) have imparted some speed V. Generally direction of velocity vector of a body and direction of an axis of its rotation are arbitrary, that is shown on a figure 1.


The velocity vector on two orthogonally related component is decomposable: V1 on a direction of rotation axis of a body and V2 of perpendicular this axis.

New physics considers, that at any motion of gravitational charges arises a gravidynamic field, as at motion of electric charges there is a magnetic field. The difference only that at low speeds by gravidynamic interplay is possible to neglect in view of its extreme weakness (the gravidynamic interaction are considerably more gentle, differently it for a long time have found out), and at speeds close to speed of light the gravidynamic interplay becomes most by strong in the nature. For interplay of nucleones in a nucleus of atom it call as strong interplay.

Under the theory of new physics the gravidynamic field arises at any motion of gravitational charges. Rotated mass is look-alike to a contour with gravitational current creating induction of the gravidynamic field B, directional lengthwise axis rotations. Thus, the situation becomes similar to motion of electric charge perpendicularly to magnetic field. On a body acts gravidynamic clone of force of the Lorentz urging it to move on a circumference (clockwise if to look lengthwise axis rotations). The second independent motion takes place uniformly lengthwise axis rotations of a body, since thus the gravidynamic effect is equal to zero point. Thus, any free body is gone on a right-handed or left-handed trajectory depending on a mutual direction of vector of own rotation and vector V1. The body figured on a figure 1 will move on a right-handed trajectory. As the consequent of screw motion of free bodies can be asserted about an inaccuracy of the first Newton's law and principled absence of inertial reference systems, since the screw motion is absolute also its parameters it is possible to define from any point of space, including from inside driving system. For not free bodies the circular motion is saved, and translational, naturally, fades, being transformed in potential energy of universal repulsing.

The screw motion of free bodies is and there is an essence of a wave-corpuscle dualism and it does not depend on a scale, i.e. is both for microparticles and for space body. In official physics you will not discover the reasonable answer to a problem on an essence of a wave-corpuscle dualism.

Now it is necessary to answer a problem: why almost all microparticles have the same angular momentum on a screw trajectory equal ? Though official physics separates bosons from fermions, nevertheless, at definition of wavelength those and others uses a de Broglie formula:

l=h/mV (1), which one envisages angular momentum by their identical, divergences with experiment in definition of wavelength l these particles differently will be received. Therefore constant of the Planck h is not quantum of action, as official physics considers, and ordinary angular momentum of a particle:

mVr==h/2p (2),

and this angular momentum attributes not to an own angular momentum, and to  angular momentum on orbits of a screw trajectory, which one is significant more own angular momentum. Let's express radius of a screw trajectory of a particle through its speed:

r=a/V (3),

where a not a fine structure constant, and constant of product Vr at change of these multiplicands, when mass of a body at this change remains to a constant, therefore (3) - direct consequent of a principle of conservation of moment of momentum of a body.

It is possible to count up, that the value a of planets of a solar System is augmented with increase of spacing interval from the Sun whence it is possible to draw a conclusion, that a is inversely proportional inductions B of a gravidynamic field:

a=1/B (4).

If for space bodies the counting of induction of a gravidynamic field lengthwise axis their own rotations is intricate because of miscellaneous rotation rate, miscellaneous density of a material of space bodies and their miscellaneous value, for microparticles this calculation is considerably simplified. The components of microparticles move with speed of light (it will be demonstrated in the theory of fundamental particles), therefore create the greatest possible induction of a gravidynamic field lengthwise axis their orbit. Therefore it is possible to record:

B=mr (5),

where r - specific induction of a gravidynamic field of a unit mass, and m - particle mass. By substituting (5) and (4) in (3), we shall discover:

r=1/Vmr (6).

Dimension of gravidynamic induction in a system CGS: [B]=sec×cm-2, and dimension of specific induction [r]=erg-1×sec-1.

To receive of a particle on coils of a screw trajectory, we shall multiply both parts (6) on mV:

=mVr=1/r (7).

Thus, we have found out one more physical sense of a constant of the Planck (angular momentum of a particle). It appears, it is peer to reverse value of specific induction of a gravidynamic field and for all particles has the same value, since their components move with identical speed of equal speed of light.







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