We step-by-step shall analyze a structure and properties of elementary particles, starting from most light (electron, positron) and finishing most high-gravity (baryons and resonances).
All elementary particles, eventually, consist of an electronic neutrino and antineutrino. For example, the electron consists of two electronic neutrino rotated around of center of gravidynamic interplay, as shown in a figure 1, and positron - from two electronic antineutrino.
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Earlier we have found out, that with increase of a running speed the size of particles decreases at the expense of preservation of a angular momentum. Therefore fragments with large energy represent sort of highly compressed spring. At a crash stop the stored energy is freed, the sizes of a particles are augmented sharply. For the majority of particles the gravidynamic attraction components becomes not capable to retain them in a structure of a particle, and the particle is disintegrated on components. Herewith the part of energy is expended on formation of different fragments not being components of an initial particle. From a figure 1 it is visible, that a neutrino and antineutrino in a structure of an electron and positron always move towards each other. Thus gravidynamic attraction homomatter (the matter - matter, antimatter - antimatter) is strongest, therefore components are in a potential well, the particle is steady and has лrest-mass╗, i.e. can be halted and thus is not disintegrated. At an annihilation of an electron and positron two photons of a structure аwill be formed. Gravidynamic interplay heteromatter (matter - antimatter) results in repulsing at counter motion, therefore formation of a particle with лrest-mass╗ is impossible. Component of a photon can move only in bridge each other, but not counter, that the photon was not disintegrated on components. Therefore photon is gone with speed of light and in space will forms as though double-threaded from a neutrino and antineutrino. At parallel motion the representatives heteromatter are gravidynamic attracted to each other. Naturally, that at a stop the photon fades, by transmitting the energy to a system. From a figure 1 it is visible, that a neutrino should have electric charge -e/2, and antineutrino +e/2. In a photon, though these charges are balanced, nevertheless, it cannot be considered truely as neutral particle (it concerns to any particles with general electric charge to equal zero point). The electric charge a neutrino is specially legibly exhibited at spread of light and radio waves, and it explicitly will be debated. Critically tuned reader will set a quite legal problem: if a neutrino have electric charge, why it is not exhibited at interplay a neutrino with matter? It is possible to answer it so: the size a free neutrino (unconnected in particles) huge for scales of a microcosmos (it follows from a minor angular momentum neutrino), therefore outside neutrino an electrical field so gentle, that is not capable to ionize matter, and inside neutrino of an electrical field is not present, therefore neutrino have grandiose a penetrating power, since practically do not interact with matter. Further will be shown, that our world practically is mated with an anti-world: a neutrino and antineutrino equally enter in photons electrons and protons. On one лsuperfluous╗ antineutrino is in each neutron, therefore our world is more лanti╗, but this excess is compensated by excess a neutrino in space. Therefore problems and gamble around of an anti-world have not the basis.
After the set up remarks it is possible to pass to the analysis of other elementary particles.
Muonic neutrino. In a world of elementary particles both particle as a whole, and its any component can be in exited states. For example, the first exited state an electronic neutrino is represented, as a muonic neutrino. Thus mass the electronic neutrino is augmented in 137 times, and the angular momentum instead of a/2 becomes equal /2. The following exited state will be called a t-neutrino. Thus, three kinds the neutrino now are known: n, nm, nt.
Muons m+, m-. The neutral muon does not exist, since a structure of a positive muon: e+, ne, nm~ and negative: e-, ne~, nm. The angular momentum of a muon is peer а(from an electron or positron) + /2 (from a muonic neutrino) + a/2 (from an electronic neutrino). Neglecting last addend (very small), we shall discover a main quantum number (MQN) of a muon = 1.5. By multiplying on the power contents 1 (MQN) = 70.03 MeV, we shall discover mass of a muon 105.045 MeV. Experimental value of a muon mass 105.658387 MeV. For any particles we easily can find bond energy. The general increment of mass is equally arranged on a relativistic increment of measured mass and bond energy, according to a virial theorem. The rest-mass of a muon is peer 206.77 me. The increment of measured mass will make 206.77-1 = 205.77me, since the masses of УrestФ ne and nm are very small. Same mass will leave and on bond energy, which one will make 205.77×0.511 = 105 MeV. The computed values of bond energy for all particles coincide with experimentally retrieved. New physics tenders the following formula for counting radius of particles:
r = 197.327N/m (1), where: N- value MQN, r - radius of a particle in fm (10-13 cm), m - particle mass in MeV.
Under the formula (1) radius of a muon 2.8014 fm, i.e. practically is peer to radius of an electron. This concurrence not incidentally. Will below be shown, that the radiuses of the majority of particles are little differ from a radius of an electron and in this sense of elementary particles are similar to atoms also closely approximated on the sizes from each other. From the obtained data it is easy to define mass by everyone component in total mass of a muon. So, the electronic neutrino will have mass, approximately, twice there are less rest-masses of an electron, i.e. 0.255 MeV, the electron will have mass twice more muonic neutrino, accordingly, 70.269 MeV and 35.134 MeV.
Neutral meson p0. By a very small life time, this meson consists of an electron and positron on one orbit, which one destabilize each other at the expense of an electrostatic attraction and at slightest skewness, it is progressively augmented down to an annihilation with formation of two photons, therefore neutral pion to herself an antiparticle. The rest-mass p0 is peer 264.14me, subtracting from this value two rest-masses of an electron, we shall receive an increment of measured mass 262.14me. It also will by a main body of binding energy electron and positron in p0 and corresponds 134 MeV. Energy of an electrostatic bond will make 1 MeV (calculation on obtained below radius of a pi-meson). The general bond energy will be 135 MeV. Substituting mass of a neutral pion in (1), we shall discover radius of orbit of an electron and positron in p0 equal 2.924 fm. At motion with speed of light, one revolution on orbit with radius of an electron, the neutrino passes for 6×10-23 sec. Practically all УresonancesФ have a life time that of the order, therefore time of their life suffices not so much on existence, how many on formation of products of decay. When for the explorers the favourite and expensive toys - boosters have appeared already, the theorists guessed, that behind each elementary particle there is an applicable field, a quantum of interplay which one is the given particle. But nothing the constrained experimenters opened ever more and more new particles. To salvage the theory, the number of particles was necessary how лto reduce╗. лDoublet╗ has appeared: a positive proton - neutron, as one fragment in the miscellaneous attires, then лtriplet╗: neutral and two charged pions, further are already more lighter to be sunk in area of crazy ideas, main to make a first step.
Charged mesons p+, p-. They consist of a positron (electron), muonic neutrino and antineutrino and electronic neutrino (electronic antineutrino). MQN of a charged pion is equal 2: (+/2 + /2). Therefore its mass will be: 2×70.03 = 140.06 NeV. Experimental value of mass 139.5675 MeV. The rest-mass of a charged pion makes 273.15me. The increment of measured mass will make (in relation to a muon): 273.15-206.77 = 66.38me. A rest-mass a muonic neutrino we shall neglect. Energy of connection of a muon and muonic neutrino will make: 66.38×0.511 = 34 MeV. During decay of a pion with formation of a p0-meson the process goes in such a manner that the observed bond energy will be absolutely small. Radius p▒ under the formula (1) will make 2.8277 fm.
Proton. Consists of two muonic antineutrino. On one the neutrino is necessary an increment of measured mass 938.256:6 = 156.38 ╠¤т or 2.7875×10-25 g. Means, on orbit of a positive proton moves two лphotons╗ and one лpositron╗, which one and gives a positive proton a magnetic moment, equal 2.79 nuclear magnetons. Under these data radius of a positive proton will be 0.587 Їь. If in the formula:
L = mcr (2) to substitute mass of a positive proton and its radius, we shall receive, that its own angular momentum is peer 2.79. Therefore лabnormal╗ magnetic moment of a positive proton is outcome of misunderstanding of its structure. All particles, in a structure which one there is a proton as a central body, are called as baryons. Naturally, that at decay of baryons the positive proton is freed, therefore it seems not exterminable.
Neutron. I tender mentally to be present at birth of a neutron star. The huge cloud of Hydrogenium collapses under operating of a gravitation, density it is augmented and, at last, reaches such large values, that the electronic shells of atoms touch to each other. Thus the moments of electrons on orbits of the Bohr mutually fade (to not break a law preservation of a moment). Thus instead of an orbital moment аeach electron remains has own moment, which one in 137 times is less. The electrons лdrop╗ on a positive proton, but since classic radius of an electron is greater of radius of a positive proton, the positive proton appears inside an electron. Further under operating of an electrostatic attraction radius of an electron decreases (and mass is augmented) and becomes equal 1.11 fm. Thus the magnetic moment of a positive proton, equal 2.79 nuclear magnetons not only is compensatived by orbital electronic лcurrent╗, but also exceeds it on 1.9 nuclear magnetons, that is exhibited as a лabnormal╗ magnetic moment of a neutron, though on notions of orthodoxes it should not have any magnetic moment, as has not electric charge. Thus, the neutron is miniHydrogenium, therefore is steadiest from all elementary particles except for stable. If the electron of a neutron for any reasons again will gain desired for each microparticle a moment , the neutron is disintegrated on a positive proton, electron and antineutrino.
On it we shall limit the review of elementary particles, it is a lot of them, but the principle of construction is identical: each component introduces the fraction to a particle mass, and if this component is in one of exited states, this fraction is aliquotly augmented, therefore there are particles of huge mass consisting all from a pair an electron - positron with large energy of decay.