This chapter is written for those who not confidently will use the main
concepts of physics.
Practically any physical quantity has dimension: centimeter, gramme,
second etc. On dimension it is possible frequently to judge the physical
characteristic of object, for example, см2 is any surface, and см3 - volume. Density of matter will have dimension g×cm-3, that
is equivalent records g/cm3. To not make an error as a result of
calculations, it is necessary to use the same system of units. System of units have invented set. Each of them is friend
for one calculus and is not friend for another. Naturally, as dimension and the
value of physical parameters in miscellaneous system of units is received miscellaneous, therefore it is desirable to know
how to pass from one system of units in another. Let's consider it on an
example of a law of universal gravitation of a Newton:
(1), where F - attractive
force of bodies with masses m1 and m2 to each other,
arranged from each other apart r. G - proportion factor called by gravitational
constant. Let's take advantage of a system of units in which one for basic units
are adopted Centimeter, Gramme, Second
(CGS). To find dimension of gravitational constant in the formula (1), it is
necessary to know dimension of force in a system CGS. It we shall discover from
the second Newton's law:
(2), where - acceleration
of a body m, under operating of force F. Let's consider dimension of force F
(it it is accepted to mean by square brackets): [F]=g×cm×sec-2. If the
found dimension of force in a system CGS, unit as which one call dyne to
substitute in the formula (1), it is possible to find dimension of
gravitational constant: [G]=cm2×g-2×[F]= cm3×g-1×sec-2. The
numerical value of gravitational constant in a CGS system of units is equal
6.67×10-8 dynes×cm2×g-2. Pay
attention, that in science the definite abbreviations of records are adopted.
Instead of value 0.0000000667 is more friend to record 6.67×10-8, that
is equivalent records 6.67/108 or 6.67/100000000. In other system of
units, for example, SI, basic units: kilogram, meter, second, therefore
dimension of gravitational constant and its numerical value are received by
others. If the dimension of the left-hand part is not peer to dimension of a
right-hand part of equation, this equation is erratic. In further to not
confuse the reader, I shall use a system CGS.
To the basic concepts of physics attribute fundamental conservation laws
violation which one it is not revealed in one of uncountable experiments and
1. The energy conservation law, which one states, that in an insulated
system (which one can not interchange energy with an environment) common energy
remains to a constant (W = const). This law remains fair for any interplays inside an insulated system.
2. Law of conservation of impulse (P = mV = const), where: m - mass of a
body, V - its speed. This law also remains fair for any interplays
inside an insulated system.
3. Law of conservation of angular momentum (L = mVr = const), where: r -
radius of gyration of a body of mass m moved with speed V. Of this law is
visible, that at invariable mass with increase of a radius of gyration the
running speed decreases. This law also remains fair for any interplays
inside an insulated system.
In a modern physics are invented set of conservation laws, but we shall
limit only listed.
To the basic concept of physics it is possible also to attribute
presence of physical sense (common sense) of the considered supposition or
mathematical expression, as a consequent of the fundamental laws. For example,
in the nature there are no negative and zero values (which one conditionally mean
lack or absence something). They can be entered as a matter of convenience of
reasoning, but it is necessary always to remember, that it only conditionality,
if as a result of calculations is received negative mass, this consequent of an
error. Unfortunately, the modern physics suffers by absence of common sense.
Different distortings of space and time in detail are considered, though there
are no evidences that they are not simplly interspaces between bodies and
events. Reason on the multidimensional spaces, though there are no evidences of
existence of space more than three measurements in which one we live. As a
result of absence of common sense in initial reasons there are difficulties and
paradoxes of the theory. Instead of returning to a beginning, prefer «to
eliminate difficulties» more and more complicating the theory. Therefore common sense - main criterion of a regularity of the
suppositions. The nature is easier, than we think of it.
The concepts of vector and scalar concern to the basic
concepts of physics. The vector is some physical characteristic of object,
which one in the given problem essentially depends on a direction, for example,
speed of a body, magnetic or mechanical moment etc. The scalar is some physical
characteristic of object, which one in the given problem does not depend on a
direction, for example, rotation rate of a body, temperature, mass of a body
etc. If in multiplicands two physical quantity there is one vector, the product will be vector that
directions, but other value. If two vectors are multiplied, the product will be
the third vector perpendicular to two multiplied. Are piled and are subtracted
of vector by a rule parallelogram. Let's explain these concepts on examples.
1. We throw a rock parallel surfaces of ground.
It simultaneously and separately participates in two motions: uniform motion in
a direction of a throw and uniformly accelerated dip to a surface of ground,
therefore in the given problem it is necessary to consider speed as vector. The
speed of uniform motion does not vary, and the speed of dip is augmented in
arithmetic progression, therefore direction and value of vector of general
speed will change, as shown in a figure 1 for miscellaneous instants t0,
t1 and t2.
2. On a figure 2 the uniform motion of a body m on a circumference is
shown. In this problem it is impossible to consider speed of a body as vector,
but only by a scalar, as V = const, therefore arrow in a figure demonstrates
only direction rotation. Identical are considered of vector equal on an
absolute value and directional in one party. Therefore any summing or the
deduction of velocity vectors in any point of a circumference gives vector not
equal initial, i.e. V¹const. The speed of a body on a
circumference can be computed, by dividing a circumference 2pr on time of one
revolution T. Both these values are not directed anywhere (not vectors),
therefore and speed of a body on a circumference is scalar.
Official physics here makes a large error, considering speed on a
circumference by a vector quantity. Then at change of this vector there should
be so-called «centripetal acceleration». And under the theory of the Maxwell
(with which one we shall be disassembled later) at any accelerated motion of a
charge there should be an electromagnetic radiation, therefore, for example,
the circular motion of electrons in atom is impossible because of considerable
energy losses. Thus, official physics as a matter of fact negates existence of
atoms. The official explanation of their stability also enables orbital motion
of electrons, i.e. results in an irresolvable inconsistency. To this it is
possible to add, that the pair of opposite points of a circumference has equal
on value and opposite directional velocity vectors (if in motion on a
circumference speed to consider as vector). It concerns any point of a
circumference, always is possible to find an opposite point with which the sum
of «vectors» gives zero point.
Apparently, that at stable motion on a circumference the centrifugal
force of inertia applied on a body and directional from center is balanced by
attractive force (gravitational, electrostatic or resiliency of a thread) also
applied to a body. In outcome the body rest in a direction of operating of
these forces (is not displaced in a radial direction) and is gone on a
circumference not committing work, i.e. at absence of friction can be gyrated
eternally. A ball on a smooth horizontal surface similarly behaves. The force
of weight of a ball is balanced by elastic force of a surface too applied to a
ball, therefore in a direction of operating of these forces it is not displaced
and at absence of friction will be eternal to be roll.
To the basic concepts of physics concern also mass, inertia, electric
charge, fields, time and space. The depleting explanation of these concepts in
a modern physics does not exist, you will drive on a circle from one reference
book in another without satisfaction of your desire to learn, that as a matter
of fact represent these concepts. I produce them the explanation and I hope,
that it will satisfy you.